Friday, December 15, 2006

Yesterday...break day

Well really I didn't need a break I just had company over when I got off work, so I didn't have time to run. I was really bummed out afterwards and thought about running in the dark, but I decided that it would be safer to just stay in. I figured that I would put in extra miles today.

So today I am going to my parents' house to drop off some Christmas gifts. I will do my run over there. I like running over there much more than here in Baton Rouge because it's a small town and there isn't as much traffic. Plus there is this really cool trail that leads to the river that I like to run on. However, i don't know if I'll get to run on it because we've had some rain, and the trail gets really muddy and nasty after a rain. I'll have to find a camera to take with me so I can take a few photo to show you guys what it is like.

Also the weather has been pretty nice down here. The high has been in the 70s all week--which is another reason why I was bummed yesterday afternoon. Next week it is supposed to get dog cold...I hate running in the cold :(

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