Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bad day for a run!

All you people out there who go running after a night of partying are crazy!! Last night I went to a Christmas party at a friend's house, drank lots of Natty Light, and got home sometime around 2 or 3 in the morning. Because I just got my new toy, I was determined to wake up early and go running to try it out. Well, it was humanly impossible for me to get out of bed any earlier than 9:00 and couldn't even get myself out the door until 10:30.

The whole run sucked ass! My calves were sore from yesterday race, my stomach was cramping up (i guess because I was so dehydrated from the beer), my nose was running all over my face...I'm sure I was not the most attractive person running this morning! However, I was determined to complete my run no matter what (I only felt this way because I was so eager to log some miles on my new nike+ thingy). I had to take a short walking break in the middle because I could have sworn I felt a shin splint coming on...I am a baby I know! I was walking so slow two really old people passed me up so I decided to pick up my pace and just do an easy jog. Well of course my easy jog was probably about the same pace as the afore mentioned old ones and I was still suffering! Nonetheless this is what my iPod told me at the end of my run (and it literally told me through my headphones...neat!)

Distance: 5.99 (i mean really?)
Time: 54:55 (i don't think the distance is accurate)
Pace: 9:09 min/mi
Calories: 624 (how many beers is that? Not enough)

I don't think this information is right...I walked (slowly) for a good 5 minutes. There is no way I could have run 6 miles in that time. I think I have to calibrate it to make it more accurate. We'll see!


[rich] said...

LOL! You can't beat running with a hangover :-D

jogblog said...

You ran 9 minute miles with a hangover?

I don't think I could even run for 9 minutes with a hangover :-)

Molly said...

no i think my nike+ thing is wrong...there is no way in the world I ran that fast today! I was truly hungover!