So now that I'm past the whole clothing issue, I guess I'll move on to the race. It was your typical 5K fundraiser with the mix group of people--the serious runners who wear shorts and a t-shirt and never do the group warm up thing, and the fun runners who sometimes wear jeans or five layers of clothing and always get into the group warm up thing (these are the people who hurt themselves before the race even starts by jumping around like a lunatic to "Sweet Home Alabama"). Me, I am the in between runner. I never do the group warm up thing because I can never take it seriously and....well I'm just not to the point where I can consider myself one of those serious runner types.
I started off at a great pace, probably around 9:30. But that soon turned into 10:00 as I was approaching the half way point. I stopped a few times to take pictures of the sights along the way (see below), and I came in right at 30:00. I could have finished in under 30 minutes, but I stopped right before the finish line to take a picture of the finish line. I wasn't too worried about the time seeing that it was my first time running in almost a month. I knew I wasn't going to achieve a PR. All in all I had a great time. I love running races. For some reason, and this may sound crazy, but I would have no problem being consistent if all my runs were races. I just like the atmosphere and the people. I hope I'm not the only one out there who feels this way...that would be lonely. And right now I'm already lonely...I don't need more lonliness in my life. LOL
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 30:06
Pace: 10:47 min/mi
Calories: 306
All I Really Want-Alanis Morissette
Jumper-Third Eye Blind
Me and Bobby Magee-Janis Joplin
We Built This City on Rock and Roll-Jefferson Starship
I Need a Hero-Bonnie Tyler
Good For You-Third Eye Blind
The state capitol building...taken mid-race
The finish line...see I documented my "time"--I could have made it ;)
That's a great time, even with stopping to take pics :-)
Cool :-) well done - and nice to have you blogging again.
"I am the in between runner" - LOL I think that will be my new catch phrase.
Nice pictures, did anyone look at you odd for stoping and taking a picture at the finish line?
yeah they did...I had one guy ask me if I was a tourist! LOL oh well one day they will discover my magnificent blog and will understand what I was doing! :)
Who was the kook in the sleeveless yellow race top? Wow.
I love races too. The crowd of runners is always entertaining.
I have got to remember to document my run with my phone cam... hoping to run ING NYC Marathon. I'd be the first in 5 years (kind of a long layff). Be great to upload to the site automatically! Nice blog!
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