Sunday, February 25, 2007
Mardi Gras Marathon 5K
However, I did get my tired, lazy butt up this morning to run the Mardi Gras Marathon 5K in New Orleans (Thanks David for the suggestion!). Last night I wasn't sure if I was going to run it even though I paid the registration fee because there was supposed to be some bad weather headed this way. Fortunately, the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area didn't get hit too bad...well from what I could see.
So here is the breakdown of my first running/race day in two weeks:
Woke up at 5:00 am took my meds and vitamins (I'm trying Centrum Endurance for the first time). Left Baton Rouge around 5:15 and arrived in NOLA around 6:40. Parked in the Superdome parking garage--thank god for free parking--picked up my bib, chip, and tshirt and finally sat down on a curb and watched the marathoners and halfers take off. Took a short nap on same curb then took my spot amongst the small mass of 5Kers. I started the race at a slow and steady pace then decided that I would bust a gut for this race. Got about a little more than half way done and thought I was almost at the end so silly me took off sprinting only to find out I had about another 1.4 miles to run. When I finished I had that post run nausea you get when you try to run really fast when you haven't run in two weeks :-/ Managed to keep last night's dinner in its proper place while I returned my chip and sulked over my 30:00 finish time--man I thought I was flying...I demand a recount! Finally, I jumped in my car and was home around 9:30 with a cool race medal to show off to my friends...YAY!
Distance: 3.1 miles/5K
Time: 30:24
Pace: ???? freaking ipod didn't even save my info!
Calories: probably not enough
Tunes: Some Regina Spektor and a little bit of great 80's as always :)
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Best Loop in Baton Rouge
I wish I had more zoom on my camera--this picture would have been really neat if I had one of those mega cameras with 200x zoom. For all of you who are wondering what in the world those tiny specks of black are...they are birds on a log...wait isn't that some type of culinary dish?
There are more pictures from my run today, but posting pictures is tedious (this is an excuse of a LAZY person). If you want to check them out go to my Flickr account.
I did a slow 5.5 miles and made frequent stops to take some pics so this run was extremely easy. However, my legs are a little sore, and my knees felt a little stiff after the run. I guess my legs are in shock from not running all week. There was an article in Runner's World this month that discusses the complexity of the knee and how much stress runner's can put on their knees. Well, I don't put as much stress on them as some, but I'm always weary of minor knee pain. I would hate to have a knee injury and then have to do swimming or bicycling or some other cross training sport that is not as wonderful as running...blah!
Distance: 5.73 miles
Time: 1:03
Pace: 10:58 min/mi
Calories: 597
Reason is Treason-Kasabian
Hurts so Good-John Cougar Mellencamp
Mercedes Benz-Janis Joplin
Move Over-Janis Joplin
Piece of My Heart-Janis Joplin
Down on Me-Janis Joplin
Trouble in Mind-Janis Joplin
Centerfold-J. Geils Band
The Power of Love-Huey Lewis and the Newsboys
Samson-Regina Spektor
Fidelity-Regina Spektor
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Weekend Warrior
Student teaching is going great so far. I had a tough week last week, and I came home exhausted every afternoon--Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night I went to bed around 8:00 (sad, I know). I love all my classes, and I am looking forward to Monday when my students present their powerpoints they have been working on. Oprah was right, when given an opportunity, kids will never disappoint you. Most people might not have very high expectations for my students who mostly come from low income, single parent families. But so far they have proven that they have so much more potential than I originally thought. Oh enough of my cheesy teacher are my stats for today (sorry no pictures):
Distance: 5.31 miles
Time: 59:37
Pace: 11:13 min/mi
Calories: 553
Good for You-Third Eye Blind
I Need a Hero-Bonnie Tyler
We Built this City on Rock and Roll-Jefferson Starship
Me and Bobby McGee-Janis Joplin
Jumper-Third Eye Blind
All I Really Want-Alanis Morissette
Call Me the Breeze-Lynard Skynard
Molly's Chambers-Kings of Leon
Welcome to Chicago-Kill Hannah
Highway to the Danger Zone-Kenny Loggins
Monday, February 5, 2007
5K Update
I placed 35th out of 119 or so.
But don't get too excited because I was also informed that the course was actually 3/8 of a mile short. I knew something didn't feel right about that race. I was very shocked to say the least when I finished right at 30:00 when I even stopped to take pictures. Oh well, I'm still going to act like a did a terrific job...I need all the motivation I can get!
Saturday, February 3, 2007
LRCE Big Apple 5K
So now that I'm past the whole clothing issue, I guess I'll move on to the race. It was your typical 5K fundraiser with the mix group of people--the serious runners who wear shorts and a t-shirt and never do the group warm up thing, and the fun runners who sometimes wear jeans or five layers of clothing and always get into the group warm up thing (these are the people who hurt themselves before the race even starts by jumping around like a lunatic to "Sweet Home Alabama"). Me, I am the in between runner. I never do the group warm up thing because I can never take it seriously and....well I'm just not to the point where I can consider myself one of those serious runner types.
I started off at a great pace, probably around 9:30. But that soon turned into 10:00 as I was approaching the half way point. I stopped a few times to take pictures of the sights along the way (see below), and I came in right at 30:00. I could have finished in under 30 minutes, but I stopped right before the finish line to take a picture of the finish line. I wasn't too worried about the time seeing that it was my first time running in almost a month. I knew I wasn't going to achieve a PR. All in all I had a great time. I love running races. For some reason, and this may sound crazy, but I would have no problem being consistent if all my runs were races. I just like the atmosphere and the people. I hope I'm not the only one out there who feels this way...that would be lonely. And right now I'm already lonely...I don't need more lonliness in my life. LOL
Distance: 3.1 miles
Time: 30:06
Pace: 10:47 min/mi
Calories: 306
All I Really Want-Alanis Morissette
Jumper-Third Eye Blind
Me and Bobby Magee-Janis Joplin
We Built This City on Rock and Roll-Jefferson Starship
I Need a Hero-Bonnie Tyler
Good For You-Third Eye Blind
The state capitol building...taken mid-race
The finish line...see I documented my "time"--I could have made it ;)
First run of February
I haven't run in what seems like a month, but this morning I am signed up to do a 5K race, and seeing that I already payed for it, I couldn't skip out.
So hopefully this will jumpstart my running; I have high hopes!
It is almost seven o'clock in the morning, and I have my new tights and my new nike bra (haven't worn either one of them since I got them two months ago). I think I've figured out what I will do now...because school starts at the ungodly hour of 6:50, I will change into my running clothes right after school and run around the football field or the block around the school. However, there are a few catches--every other Monday I have a meeting right after school and every Friday I have to go back to LSU for classes. Hmmmm...well I'll see how it goes and run as much as I can.
Wish me luck! I'm going to bring my camera today, so I'll have some pictures to post of the race. I hope I don't die within the first mile...I would prefer to die at least around the two mile mark.